Cannabis retailers were declared essential pretty early on in the pandemic. And I think we can all agree that was a given. Washington State has been fairly effective at rolling out vaccinations, hitting 3.7 million vaccinated individuals as of writing this (6/6/21). But the state wants to up that number, and with a new incentive it is rolling out, or more accurately rolling up, a new program. Joints for Jabs! The program would allow a single free joint to be given at the time of either the first or second jab of the Covid-19 vaccine. This program comes in step with “The Shot of a Lifetime” vaccination drive, a multi-prize lottery offering up to $2 million in value in the form of college tuition, airline tickets, gaming systems, and more. Washington state is also running a drive for alcohol retailers to offer a free pint of beer, glass of wine, or shot for those with proof of their vaccinations.

The program will run from June 7 through July 12th. The deal will only take place in cannabis retail shops associated with an active vaccine clinic event at the retail location*. The limit is one per person. If you need to get two jabs you still only get one joint. You must be +21 to participate, obviously.
*House of Cannabis is not participating in the Jabs for Joints vaccination drive.