21+ to enter. No purchase necessary. You’ve just gotta swing by the store to enter.

At least 25 fans are being invited to a private location for a meet and greet with the legendary Tommy Chong, coordinated by our friends and partners at Level 5 Interactive! Enter by July 2nd, in store, and you could spend a few minutes chatting and getting your selfie with the LEGENDARY Tommy Chong on July 13th.

Meet & Greet Details:

Only one entry per person will be submitted to the sweepstakes. You must visit the store to enter. No purchase is necessary. You must be 21+ to walk in the front door, to enter. Sorry, kiddos. Date: 07/13/2021. Time: ~ 2:00PM. Location: To Be Announced to the winners of the sweepstakes.

What can you expect?
A FEW minutes with Tommy Chong in a small group of 4 or 5 people. The opportunity for some chit-chat. TOMMY CHONG! Bring your merch for signing. House of Cannabis will have BRAND NEW sharpies on hand for Tommy to sign with in the following colors: Black, Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold.

Come on in and get an entry filled out to meet Tommy Chong!

Oh yeah…. This stoner song was written by Tommy Chong.

I got a joint, man….

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