Rolling a blunt or a joint can be as artistic as one makes it out to be. For my daily blunts the three things I care most about is that I roll them somewhat quickly, they have at least a gram or two in them, and the most important, that thing better be functional.

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Blunts and joints can vary in many shapes and sizes, from your basic papers to your specific brand blunt wraps. For the sake of this instructional we’re going to focus on the brand Backwood Cigars being used as the blunt wrap.

The way I learned to roll backwoods differs slightly from how I would roll any other blunt wrap, the beginning and the end is where this technique varies.

Your standard Swisher Sweet or other blunt brand may call for a splitter or ripping or something else but the way that I was taught to break open the Backwood is by unraveling the cigar from the mouthpiece side first. Every Backwood cigar is slightly different considering it is rolled out of a tobacco leaf, which makes each wrap slightly different as well.

After you discard of your tobacco cigar guts you are going to brush off the remaining tobacco off the wrap and check the status of the leaf. If there’s no holes or breaks or anything you’re good to go.

Now for other blunt wraps and joints I would prefer using a grinder than breaking up the marijuana with my hands. When rolling the Backwood I prefer to break up the buds with my fingers, I feel that it helps for that blunt to smoke consistently. Especially if you’re smoking that tippity top shelf weed, you know that super freaking sticky that will clog your blunt up if the weeds way ground up and wrapped to tight. Anyways, I digress, on to the grinding.

Okay so you got your gram or two of weed all broke up with your fingers, its ground to the size of some finely diced onions or cilantro, or maybe a mixture of both. Maybe I’m just stoned and a little bit hungry for some tacos, either way lets roll this freaking blunt.

Next we’re going to flip it around and figure out which way we want to position the wrap. A lot of the time the stem of the leaf dictates which way you’re going to wrap your blunt. I usually wrap the blunt from the mouthpiece side first and roll it to somewhat of a cone style of roll. There is no rush at this stage, take your time. Don’t even worry if the mouthpiece or end of the blunt doesn’t look pretty, we’ll take care of that later.

It’s all rolled up, some of the weed fell out the end and it looks like it needs some TLC. No problemo. Let’s get to doctoring. The way I roll blunts requires two tools. I usually have with me a pair of scissors and a blunt packer of some sort, i.e. a key, anything with the circumference of lets just say a chopstick.

I usually start with the chopstick and gently pack the weed in from the end side first. I pick up whatever weed fell out onto the tray during the roll up and pack that in as well. I will do this 2 or 3 times or until I’m satisfied with how she looks. I usually twist the end of the blunt like a joint to prevent from anything falling out. Repeat the same method on the side you smoke out of until there is a firmly packed mouthpiece.

I then take my scissors and simply trim the excess blunt wrap. When I learned this little tip it gave me the power to roll the perfect blunt damn near every time. Its so simple that Ill run it by you one more time. Basically, however far you packed the mouthpiece side of the blunt in, you cut to. I usually also cut the side that I twisted like a joint just to make it easier to light.

There you go. You got your very own hand rolled tobacco leafed dank ass cannabis blunt, celebrations are in order! What’s that? You couldn’t follow? Im a bad teacher? Well, if that’s the case so be it. But if you’re down for a round two, I saw a video of these dudes and they make this shit look easy, so click the link below. Your welcome.

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